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Call for Participation in RexxLA

Call For Participation in setting up the "REXX Language Association"

5 Feb 1994

With the growing world-wide acceptance of Rexx as a programming language for a variety of computer systems, many people have sensed that the time is right to create a formal organization to serve the needs of the Rexx community (users, implementers, teachers, software vendors, etc.) and to promote the language itself. Therefore we are proposing to create a "Rexx Language Association".

The goal of the Rexx Language Association (RexxLA) is to increase communication among people in any way interested in Rexx. Here are some of the services we want to offer:

  • User groups (local, regional, national, world-wide)
  • Electronic and printed articles
  • Symposia, classes, demonstrations
  • Regular contact and dialog with vendors and standards committees
  • Database(s) of Rexx-related products
  • On-line repositories of public domain or shareware Rexx code

We want to be able to help people who are:

  • New Rexx users and not sure where to look for sample Rexx programs, references, and other information.
  • Intermediate Rexx users but would like to have someone to contact from time to time to address their Rexx concerns.
  • Developing a new Rexx interpreter and would like to know who would be interested in beta testing it.
  • Interested in Rexx and would like to receive a regular Rexx newsletter with sample programs, names of resources to contact, and much more.

We encourage users and vendors to join RexxLA. As a group we can help promote further acceptance of Rexx as an attractive system-independent programming language.

We want RexxLA to have broad-based support from the Rexx user community. Therefore we especially need people willing to invest some of their time, creativity, and resources. In particular, this also means we are asking for a financial contribution from those who wish to join the effort.

Some Rexx enthusiasts are already organizing RexxLA. We need more ACTIVE people to make it work, so please list on the form below those offices you are willing to serve in. Elections for RexxLA offices will be held at the Rexx Symposium (May 1-4) in Boston, MA. The essential offices are covered till then.

We want your help in expanding the Rexx community and improving communi- cation among those interested in Rexx. The result of the effort depends on what we all put into it to get - and *keep* - the ball rolling. Please complete and mail the following form with your payment as soon as possible.

Please address any questions to:

      Steve Bacher                    Internet email:
      Draper Laboratory, MS 33           seb@draper.com
      555 Technology Square
      Cambridge, MA 02139


      F. Scott Ophof                  Internet email:
      269 Hall Avenue                    Ophof@CS.UWindsor.ca
      Windsor, Ontario
      Canada  N9A 2L5

Please return your membership form by surface mail to:

   Hal German
   Rexx Language Association
   7 Driscoll Avenue
   Maynard, MA 01754

Membership form:

----------------------------- Start of form -----------------------------

You may wish your personal data to remain confidential.  If so, please
mark "YES" on the relevant line.  The data above that line will then not
be disclosed to non-members of RexxLA without your express permission.

Name: __________________________________________________________

Company: _______________________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________

City: _____________________   State: ____  Zip: ________________

Country: _______________________________________________________

E-mail address: ________________________________________________

Daytime Phone: _________________________________________________

Do you want the above data to be kept confidential? (Yes/No) ___

Membership / contributions:

___  I want to become a member.
     (US$25 covers a one-year membership fee)

___  I am making a contribution of US$________
     to help towards RexxLA operating expenses.

Please include a check or money order for the sum of the amounts above.

Years using Rexx: _____________

Operating System(s) on which you are using Rexx:

 1: ______________________________

 2: ______________________________

 3: ______________________________

Type of Rexx User:  (Check all that apply)

____    Don't use Rexx -- interested party

____    Developer of Rexx interpreter/compiler

____    Developer of Rexx add-on product

____    Developer of applications written in Rexx

____    Author or publisher of Rexx books

____    Rexx trainer

____    Other __________________________________________________
                           (please specify)

Please check the positions listed below in which you would be willing to
serve, if you wish to take active part in getting the RexxLA ball rolling.

___ BBS Liaison         (coordinates RexxLA electronic activities)
___ Lobbyist            (gets new vendors to include Rexx add-on products, etc)
___ Vendor Relations    (gets vendors to include desired Rexx enhancements)
___ Developer Relations (acts as liaison for Rexx developers)
___ Activity Manager    (oversees selection of coordinators)
___ E-mail Contact      (receives RexxLA mail and sends to appropriate source)
___ Press Liaison
___ Newsletter Proofer
___ Newsletter Contributors
___ Newsletter Editor   (Oversees newsletter creation/distribution)
___ Newsletter Layout
___ Executive Officer
___ Legal Liaison
___ Treasurer
___ Secretary
___ Archivist
___ Publicity
___ Membership
___ Info Distribution
___ Demonstrator
___ Please put me on your list as willing to serve in a RexxLA office

------------------------------ End of form ------------------------------

Thank you,

The RexxLA Steering Committee:

   Steve Bacher        
   Cathie Burke Dager  
   Chip Davis          
   Hallett German      
   F. Scott Ophof